Saturday, March 14, 2009

Stepping Out

Middle English cronicle, from Anglo-French, alteration of chronike, from Latin chronica, from Greek chronika, from neuter plural of chronikos
14th century
1 : an historical account of events arranged in order of time usually without analysis or interpretation chronicle of the Civil War> 2 : narrative 1

I decided to name my blog "The University Chronicles" because I wanted to give it some heft. Chronicles, after all, are important things. "The Chronicles of Narnia", for instance, or the First and Second Books of Chronicles in the Old Testament--important. And my brand-new blog needs all the heft it can get, poor thing.
So here we are, prepared to map out for you all the weird and wonderful world that is Wake Forest, the land of all-nighters, raucous parties, and a suspiciously good-looking student body. Frankly, I love it. I hope you will, too.


  1. #1: who is in the picture? #2: are you going to keep writing in this thing? Or keep reading mine? I highly suggest well as reading the new posts in Rachel's. <3 Lurve.

  2. Oi!! Oh the abandoned project that is your blog. You'd better keep up with it starting at the end of the summer because I want something sensational to read when I'm writing my dissertation next year!
